What Is a Parking Guidance System?

A parking guidance system is an excellent way to provide better parking experiences for customers and employees. It is made up of four subsystems that work together to ensure smooth operation. These subsystems are the data collection system, central control system, information release system, and communication system. These subsystems are responsible for providing the proper…

Aptean Corporate Training

The Aptean Training Academy helps companies maximize their investments in ERP, CRM, and SCM solutions. It provides hands-on training for employees, which ensures that they are maximizing the use of production equipment and the follow-up system. With the Aptean OEE Academy, you will have access to world-class instructors and can customize your own course to…

Find Medical Tubing Suppliers in the Directory of Disposable Medical Devices Manufacturers at Arrowmedical.co.uk

There are a variety of applications for medical tubing, including IVs and ventilators. It is also used to support and deliver other devices. Cardiac catheterizations use medical tubes to measure pressure and oxygen levels in the heart. This is also used to diagnose heart disease and narrowed blood vessels. There are many different types of…

Things to Know About Dispensaries in Tucson

The newest Tucson dispensary, the D2 Dispensary, is causing traffic problems and long lines for patients seeking recreational marijuana. Located in a fully renovated 3,000 sq. ft. building, the new store features ADA-compliant dispensing stations and digital retail menus to make the selection process easier. While the Tucson Dispensary isn’t the first of its kind…